Kaminoko-ike Pond (God’s Child Pond) in Hokkaido


Kaminoko-ike Pond (God's Child Pond) in Hokkaido
Kaminoko-ike Pond (God’s Child Pond) in Hokkaido in northern part of Japan.
These days I was always posting flower photos, so I felt like showing you other kind of scenery.
It is a small pond with a circumference of 220 meters and a depth of 5 meters, and the water is so clear that you can clearly see the bottom.
This pond is fed by groundwater from nearby Lake Mashu.(Photo 2)
Lake Mashu means “Lake of God” in the Ainu language historically spoken by the Ainu people of northern Japan.
This is why this lake was named “God’s Child Pond”.

Opening period

Between around June and October.

Opening hour

24 hours.

Admission fee



1.5 hour by a car from Abashiri city.

Date of shooting

17 August 2020 by iPhone11ProMax.

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